to have your read receipts on, and read the text message, without responding. purposefully ignoring a person and/or their message.
Jessica was left on the reads by Mike, which caused an argument.
What you're doing right now
Me: Hey, you should stop reading. Go touch some grass instead.
An introvert's sad excuse for life.
Tom: Hi Bianca!
Bianca: .........
Tom: Are you doing anything after school?
Bianca: Reading.
Tom: Oh.
(Tom walks off.)
Staring at a dead piece of wood for hours hallucinating
James: "How was reading?"
Bill: "Great this dead peice of wood is amazing."
James: "Im sure you had a great hallucination Bill ."
You are doing it.
You are a dumbass if you are reading this
when you fuck a book
and you start cumming in it and pages dissolve
and then you proceed to blow up a plane while a rusty chevrolet is driving on the ground on fire
jhon: was jeffery reading
jeffery: I was driving a plane to blow it up