Source Code

Extremely Radioactive GIovinaryputlocinary reaction after the Moltozypollio part of the gigaboltimatio began to melt down, therefore creating a sub-trioacular mulitiloafwaxernalitiousing change

The Name is pretty descriptive already lol


There was a Extremely Radioactive GIovinaryputlocinary reaction after the Moltozypollio part of the gigaboltimatio began to melt down, therefore creating a sub-trioacular mulitiloafwaxernalitiousing change that happened in the lab yesterday! Thanks goodness the Plyoxinatiator was there to cool it down

by Infrared1011 November 11, 2021

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

A word that has simply lost all meaning throughout history. Itโ€™s definition has faded into obscurity after being trending on Urban Dictionary for almost two years.

A sentence in the definition of "Watermelon Sugar" that was colored blue because of the three other words called "A word that has simply lost all meaning throughout history. Itโ€™s definition has", "faded into obscurity after being" and "trending on Urban Dictionary for almost two years." which makes the said sentence a link which makes it blue.
(There is a feature in Urban Dictionary where if a word has no links in the definition, then it would automatically generate the links)

"A word that has simply lost all meaning throughout history. Itโ€™s definition has faded into obscurity after being trending on Urban Dictionary for almost two years." -DontHateTheGameHateThePlayer

by dgfhgfdcghghfgghhhgggghhhhhhhh July 10, 2021

16๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Extremely Radioactive GIovinaryputlocinary reaction after the Moltozypollio part of the gigaboltimatio began to melt down, therefore creating a sub-trioacular mulitiloafwaxernalitiousing change in the Zoltomagnofitros Fluxiriator

The Name is pretty descriptive already lol

but if you need to know...........

The Glocinaryputlocinary reacted to a high pressure change thanks to the gigaboltimatio (specifically the Moltozypollio part) creating a sub-trioacular mulitiloafwaxernalitiousing change in the Zoltomagnofitros Fluxiriator. This is a very dangerous event and can only be avoided by the immediate use of the nearest Plyoxinatiator which will cool down the gigaboltimatio before it becomes too radioactive and blows up all of earth, the milky way, The 99th galaxy of the orizonish belt, including the sub-0-N-triplanets in the Multicravosculor region of the 56th Trion, despite their natural defense from the Axiltoniyontian generator in their cores that deters radiation.

Phew, i can breath now!


There was a Extremely Radioactive GIovinaryputlocinary reaction after the Moltozypollio part of the gigaboltimatio began to melt down, therefore creating a sub-trioacular mulitiloafwaxernalitiousing change in the Zoltomagnofitros Fluxiriator that happened in the lab yesterday! Thanks goodness the Plyoxinatiator was there to cool it down

by Infrared1011 November 11, 2021

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

If you ask out your crush after winter break they do not have to say yes because everyone has a choice and you are an ignorant piece of shit

To whom ever made the rule that you have to say yes , this was made specifically made for you

If you ask out your crush after winter break they do not have to say yes because everyone has a choice and you are an ignorant piece of shit Because we are allowed to say no

by Not on your hoe shit December 22, 2019

7๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Anyone after lacie

Definition: A downgrade
Meaning- reduce to lower grade, (not as good as), or rank, or level of importance.

โ€œAnyone after lacie will be a downgrade, or not as good asโ€

by 2cool123 August 26, 2021

Let's get after it

A milquetoast catchphrase for a steroid-jacked Fredo who once had a lame cable-news show with low ratings, but got fired for corruption and grabbing the asses of other men's wives.

Alright, you 16 viewers who are still watching me, Let's get after it!

by The Rich Meister April 17, 2022

Jenny Craig going out of business after 40 years

Jenny Craig, the weight loss and nutrition business that helped people lose weight through coaching and meals, will shut down after four decades of operation after failing to secure additional financing.

Management informed workers of the news in an email late Tuesday, and company-owned centers where members pick up meals, consult with coaches and weigh in were closed as of Wednesday, the employee said, adding that franchise-owned locations may remain open.

Jenny Craig going out of business after 40 years Read More

by SPrice1980 May 7, 2023