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Mass Retardation

Also known as the MCYT Fandom. Often caused by the lack of a father figure.
Symptoms may include: Obsessive behavior, Death threats, Pedophilia, An Aura of second-hand embarrassment, Failing grades, and the inability to make friends

Person 1 “Omg did you see (INSERT IDENTITY-LESS CONTENT CREATOR)’s stream? Skskkdkskskskdk I LOVE HIM-”
Person 2 “Please stop indulging in mass retardation and get the hell away from me.”

by tapewormstapler March 21, 2021

Disabled masses

Unable to provide employment for millions of people yet becoming a entrepreneur and stating a stand is torn down by police would you prefer theft and murder that you protest and cry about.

It's just Disabled masses

by Thispagewasmadeforme November 3, 2020

Disabled masses

Unable to provide employment for millions of people yet becoming a entrepreneur and stating a stand is torn down by police would you prefer theft and murder that you protest and cry about.

It's just Disabled masses

by Thispagewasmadeforme November 3, 2020

mass gae

mass murder of gays

mass gae is the mass murder of gay

person 1: "youre so gay bro"
person 2: "ik *gets shot*"

by alaska/roxie February 1, 2022

titical mass

The point at which the surgical enhancement of a ladies fun bags ceases to look at all attractive and just appears freakish and downright scary. A certain kind of porn star will deliberately aim for this look.

(as seen in Reddit comments) ...like water balloons about to pop... she's at titical mass! I certainly wouldn't go anywhere near those things without eye protection!

by BewareOfTheBadger December 25, 2020

Mass boosting

What you do if you cant get a top 10 legit

Shrekmasters sucks at assassin so he had to mass boost for top 10 and got wiped. Imagine mass boosting shrekmasters just imagine

by Mass boost March 3, 2021

Mass of Jerry

Someone so large, they defy the laws of gravity. The equivalent to the mass of Jupiter, They can break through the earth's core and create a black hole.

"Damn, that gelatinous jello block of a man has the Mass of Jerry! I can feel his pull from the opposite pole of earth."

by bigfattesticles January 6, 2025