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Doing a Chloe

When you fake a sickness/injury to get attention but everyone already knows that you don’t and they think that you have lost ur fuckin mind.

Chloe: I have osteoporosis cancer
Everyone else: No you don’t you are doing a Chloe.

by Every Ccs Student December 15, 2019

Chloe Chilton

Joey Pranoto cute gf

Is that Chloe Chilton she cuteeee

by Vyrvix November 2, 2020

sakamata chloe



by DARBYGHGGG December 6, 2021

chloe wagner

Most beautiful girl who will make your heart melt when you see her. She is brown haired with brown eyes and you can’t help but being friends with her. She is caring and outgoing and kinda sneaky

Guy: did you see that Chloe Wagner girl

Other: ya she was looking good

by Bdd the king November 12, 2018

chloe and meryam

they are beautiful brunette and ash blonde pretty wonderful amazing lovely caring sweet amazing gorgeous cute awesome adorable so so so so beautiful all the indian men want us. the best people you will ever meet. they are super mean and will make fun of you. but deep down they still hate you. they are always caught in the back of art class doing their makeup and getting ready for the end of the day.

tripp: wow is that chloe and meryam
matt: yea it is
liam: wow they must be talking bad about us rn
jaiden: yea.. definitely

by December 3, 2021

Chloe Bliss

Chloes are truley amazing and beautiful they keep a great friendship and truley do deserve the best.

Wow shes perfect! Shes definetly a Chloe Bliss

by Clozzaaconnnaaaaellllaaaaaaaaa March 6, 2013

4👍 3👎

chloe bubbins

another word for the bestest freind in the whole world . there not really bestest freinds they are yoour family and i love a " chloe bubbins" to pieces :D //

Bubkins .

i love chloe bubbins

by smilee101xoxxox February 27, 2009

12👍 3👎