the baddest bitch yet known touch foot on this earth. Crystal is the most perfect girl in the world face card check, body teaaaa, bbl bblinggg she zont play. She is the biggest troll and will clown you and your mom again clock it. Make sure to do your homework on crystal thankyouuu clock it
ohhhh myyy goshhh crystal is the baddest bestest beautiest girl ever you can’t replace crystal CLOCK ITTTT
Crystals are everything you read about her. Loyal, whore, dead-beat mom, daddy issues , the most beautiful girl you have ever seen, ambitious, lazy stripper, selfless, amazing bod, one of the best friends you could ever have, depressed, God's gift to men, great driver, devoted family member, cocky and the hardest person to try and get your obvious point across too. Every Crystal you stumble upon will encompass at least five of these qualities. Bonus points if she is a Capricorn because she will encompass at least 10 of these qualities. Sorry no ass tho, but Crystals be cooking. They are amazing in bed and do jumping jacks on the D. Some Crystals know the Kama Sutra as it is the only book they have ever read. As once spoken by the great Meg thee Stallion, "If it don't hang, he can't bang" but Crystals take a different approach. If there is too much hang, there will be no bang. If you are able to land a Crystal it will be your greatest achievement. And your life will be, as Crystals would say, "all Gucci in the Cucci."
Person 1:*opens eyes, looks around and doesn't see any Crystals* Am I in hell?
Person 2: Yes, Where Crystals cease to exist.
crystal is a beautiful girl with a sweet smile. When she is angry, she's scary and you definitely want to give her some space as she needs time to cool down. She'll never make her first move of confessing unless she has really thought it through. She is cunning and won't get caught doing bad things but if she's ever caught, she's smart enough and can get out of trouble easily. She will never let anyone know her troubles but instead, she will help others with their troubles even when she's hurting inside. When you first meet her, she may seem quiet but once she's comfortable with you, she's like a wild animal!
crystal is such a unique girl.
I love crystal's smile!
Crystal,a crazy girl that kind of sucks at her mother tounge,shes flapping her hair around 24/7 and is a serious joker.shes always willing to know everything about everyone.shes crazy again and short.
Person : crystal help idk how to do this worksheet
Crystql : y ru asking me bro
A beautiful light skin girl. She is a rare beauty, who is extremely smart, though chic who won’t take any bullshit, strong willed, dedicated, humble and crazy but in a healthy way, optimistic, adventurous. A woman who wants to change the world. She is wise beyond her years, have great instincts, and is just simply fabulous!
She is very talented, although she won't admit it.... She has a beautiful face, she is tall and just amazing!
Crystal has a good personality always smiling and in a good mood. She's very fun to be around never have a dull moment with her. She has a very nice shape and she's also very athletic, loving, and caring. She cares more about other people than herself. She’s at sometimes clumsy but that’s natural.
She is the most amazing woman you'll ever meet. She is kind, loyal, generous, thoughtful, compassionate and has a shining heart.
Damn that girl Crystal is so fine 😜😜
The most beautiful woman in the whole wide world! She's Helen of Troy... Saying she's incredibly gorgeous is an understatement! She's a Goddess! She's stunning, she's divine, she's mesmeric. She's fucking Aphrodite! She's dripping deliciousness! She's the epitome of desire... She captivates the mind, body and soul. She is the one, she is Mrs. Right... It's inevitable that you'll fall for her.
Crystal is the best there is; The best there was; The best there ever will be!
crystal is me, my name is crystal
“crystal is better then lilan”