Dean is a man who is protective towards his family and loves to ride his Harley Davidson along with other things like hunting and fishing and bonding but he also has a short temper and can threaten to smash his kids xbox if they be too loud and also threaten to come find and choke people who bully his sons online
Dean: I get it I'll come find you
A fat person who always orders takeaways and thinks he’s the dogs bollocks
A pathological liar who should’ve never been thought of. Also for some reason he is allergic to ass.
My friend Dean lies so much we Stopped believing him.
A pathological liar who nobody likes and should never have been thought of
My friend Dean likes to lie and doesn’t know when to stop
IT is a stupid FAT child you should get rid of this child. he is a failure and should be terminated. also they have 0 frineds so bully them. ALSO NO ONE LOVES PEOPLE WITH THE NAME DEAN. he isnt invited to any party's. also BTS SUCKS!!!!!!!!
Hi my name is DEAN i hate life and i have no friends i will now die.
other person ewwwwww your name is DEAN you gay!