When you cum into your hand and throw it at your sister
Dude last night I pulled a Kentucky Fast Ball on my sister !
1.You have a good and tight pussy
2. Medical problems
To how the gyol pussy tight as mi start fuck her mi cum fast
The act of consuming a banana as fast as possible in the hopes to impress friends or a love interest
Man, that new girl at the gym is so sexy, if I show her the fast banana she’ll definitely like me!
When you put fake bugs in your food causing an intermediate stoppage of eating
Blaise used intermediate fasting to scam Jersey Mikes.
Corporate speak for overworked and underpaid.
Interviewer: "This is a fast paced environment"
Me: "You mean overworked, underpaid, understaffed and having to do 15 people's jobs despite only getting poorly paid for one?"
Corporate speak for overworked and underpaid.
Interviewer: "This is a fast paced environment"
Me: "You mean overworked, underpaid, understaffed and having to do 15 people's jobs despite only getting poorly paid for one?"
Fast Food Syndrome is thinking you know what you want to order at your favorite joint and all of a sudden Boom!! You don't know what to eat. Taking very long to make a decision to settle for the most lame value sandwich of all.
OH My GOSH!!! I forgot what I wanted to eat, UGH!! I must be having a bad case of Fast Food Syndrome.