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armchair hippy

a person who rants on and on about how to bring world peace and how we should love mother earth and not support profit making organisations but yet drive a diesel jeep and drink and smoke all around them all the time therefore supporting the so called evil profit making organisations and destroying the enviroment

hey, you shouldnt fight guys, it hurts the earths karma?
Yeah, For sure, hey why not go for a drive up to the off license and get some beers and maybe wrestle it out
Go away you armchair hippy, you crazy!

by ttlovescc August 26, 2011

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Hippie Stick

a joint

~~"Pass the "hippie stick" on the left hand-side...ah say!~~....nuf said.

by HippieChick9 March 15, 2009

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hip-ee-krit noun

1. A jam band listening, acid dropping hippie who shit talks edm even though they themselves used to, or still do, listen to electronic music.

2. A hippie who is a total dick/bitch and or poser towards any other non hippies which goes against the peace and love mentality of a true hippie.

-"Some douche said Bassnectar is garbage and needs to learn to play real instruments like Umphreys."
-"He went to a Bassnectar show 5 months ago! What a hippie-crit!"

-"This hippie-crit totally mean mugged me after I asked them if I could borrow a bowl"

by SL33V3L3SS January 23, 2013

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Hippie Coffin

The large black Thule ski/lugage containers commonly found on top of nearly all Subaru or Toyota cars found traveling in the North Western United States.

Jr. take your hat off! There must be a dead hippie in that "Hippie Coffin" on top of that car.

by SweetBankNative July 1, 2010

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Cheesy Hippie

A hippie that wears regular clothes, likes war, and is pretty much a regular person. But the person says they are a hippie.

Colonel Brown is a Cheesy Hippie. He loved to fight, but he said he was a hippie.

by Chris Manger May 11, 2009

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Ten Hippies

A measure of sobriety, specifically for drug intoxication.

I was higher than ten hippies

by Pegleg November 27, 2004

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Hippie bitch

A woman who has no idea how the world works. Probably raised by an affluent family but is now a devout Buddhist. In other words, an insecure poser.

Man 1: Check out that stupid white girl with dreadlocks.
Man 2: She's smoking weed she found off the ground. That's a real loser.
Man 3: What a hippie bitch!

by frankiebaltimore September 20, 2015

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