An average male. But with a forehead that can range from 6 inches to 3 feet
Jacob Beal’s got a massive fucking forehead
big fan of Peter Doherty and loves gin
I'm a bit of a Jacob J when it comes to drinking
the best kid around, he has the biggest, coolest afro, and the best, dopey little smile. he will always make your day 1000x better, he may piss you off but in the end you know everything will be fine. he also has the dumbest jokes, and they make no sense but just laugh at them anyways because he is cute!
Bailey; "I love you, Sean Jacobs"
the worlds best musician. criminally underrated. his debut single sweatshirt charted 90 on billboard 100. in addition, he’s a super cool stoner. yeah, he smokes weed. it’s awesome. really cool guy, i’d love to spark with him some day.
sophie: you seen jacob stonertorious’ new tiktok?
liam: yeah, he’s so cool. i wish i could be like him
He needs some milk and some brown sauce be careful tho he will yeet your mums feet
Person 1: look its jacob H
A Jacob snow is an absaloute legend and is very overlooked. Although tough to handle is really nice when you get to know him.
6👍 1👎
A drunk shitbag that has a small dick and is from Missouri
6👍 1👎