Somebody with the worst kept secret drug habit.
If the guy people had called a junkie 10 years ago had been any good at keeping his drug habit hidden from family or anybody else, nobody would have ever known he was a junkie at the time (or known about the extent of his drug use). Nobody would have claimed he disgraced his family or tried to start a bunch of drama with him over his drug use.
Somebody with the worst kept secret drug habit.
If the guy people had called a junkie 10 years ago had been any good at keeping his drug habit hidden from family or anybody else, nobody would have ever known he was a junkie at the time (or known about the extent of his drug use).
Somebody with the worst kept secret drug habit.
If the guy people had called a junkie 10 years ago had been any good at keeping his drug habit hidden from family or anybody else, nobody would have ever known he was a junkie at the time.
someone addicted to drugs ( drug addict)
Lee: I think that girl is on drugs...
Jo:probably a junkie
Originally derived from the 1920’s when heroin addicts would sell scrap metal & junk for drugs. In 2021 the term was attached to Coronaphobics who perpetually jabbed themselves who sold their soul to the elite.
“I’m a junkie. I’ve just had my 41st jab!”
He sent me a junkie, and I was quite impressed by his massive member.