Bad bitch, feisty, savage, classy, huge tits, and hippo lover.
"Damn, Molly Winkler is looking fine tonight."
"Yeah, she a crazy ass though. I'd still tap."
a really good prank that goes on for hours. never goes how planned.
"bro that molly prank is too far"
(noun) A person who takes drugs at a music festival and thinks they're suddenly a spiritual guru.
"You know Ashley?"
"Yea, she went to Coachella with two tab of acid and came out saying namaste to her houseplants."
"What a molly lama."
A person you did molly with and sense a good connection within this person, to refer as Bro, brother, twin.
"What's up molly brudda!!"
"I was just chilling with my molly brudda earlier."
"Bro, i was in Grade 8eight wit my molly brudda poppin some molly at the football field."
The Most Bestest Friends in the whole world! True till the end will never leave each other
They Are exactly a Molly and Tayla
*Girl arrives at 10 o'clock*
Boy- you're pulling a Molly!
Black furry and perrrfect in every way. Funny and loves to rip paper/cardboard. Comes and comforts you.
Mollie Cat Mollie Cat DO DO Mollie Cat