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christmas noob

A player who just got a certain game for Christmas. Mostly little kids who don't have enough money to buy it themselves or husbands being bought it by their wives. Christmas Noobs are easy prey for players who have owned it for a while and are a great way ahead of them and raise good players kill death ratio significantly.

i fucking love playing COD on Christmas, so many christmas noobs to raise your k/d.

by TheAlmightySpecter December 26, 2011

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Noob Cannon

term used in first person shooters to describe a gun that is considered too easy to use and is used by noobs. most commonly used in counterstrike to describe the AWP/AWM(a powerful sniper rifle that kills with 1 shot). also used to describe the autosnipers and auto-shotgun, as well as guns in other games.

omfg u pussy!!!!!111!!1! put down the noob cannonยฌ!!ยฌ!!!"! use a real gun u loser!

by meheheheh September 21, 2005

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noob stick

A noob stick a PC players way to refer to a joystick or joypad used for gaming consoles.

GamingConsolePlayer: How about a game of Halo?
PCPlayer: Playing with a noob stick? Why don't you come play a real game on a real computer?

by Bjerge May 12, 2006

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noob zombies

Noob zombies is a word used by most forums and games to describe a infection of noobs.
They commonly troll forums posting stupid answers to every stupid thread there is which in return causes more stupidity with the once intelligent forum users.

The infection and uprising of noobs can be caused by one noob. or simply a newbie who is new and thinks he is better than those who have played years whitlist the user having a playtime of only playing 5 minutes..

Many users fear the "noob zombies" because it can start wiki drama and violence.

The symptoms of this Disease are the following.

1.stuttered speech (such as using ones or zeros in sentances or severe misspells)

2. Drama (noob zombies have been known to output a severe amount of drama.

3.Violence (noobs have been known to make personnel threats to people when in reality he would punk out)

Hank: been to runescape.com lately?

Suffery: hell no..theres so many noob zombies there

Hank: ok how about yahoo answers?

Suffery: ok ill take a look


Suffery: 0mg i f331 funn3

Hank: oh god no! suffery!!!?!?!!?

Suffery: 1t hu4ts

Hank: ill find a cure!

by Suffery July 7, 2009

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shee noob

A newbie in halo or halo 2 that uses the Banshee covanent vehicle to great extend. Describes noobish behavior

Man that guys a shee noob.
He can't get any kills without it.

by johant231 May 11, 2006

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Active Noob

In the video game Gears Of War, someone who picks up the sniper rifle, fires a round off to acheive an active reload, then downs someone as a coward would, leaving them for dead. They are liable for receiving an earful of trashtalk and slang pertaining to their mothers.


Player 1: "Wow, you actived-me-down you fucking active noob nice job go hang yourself with the cord on your xbox controller."

by Fat Girls Smell February 5, 2008

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Noob Logic

1. The inability to use logic;

2. Nonsensical reasoning by an individual;

3. The byproduct of an individual saying someone is using "Fevens Logic". Commonly seen when two people are in a debate and one person lacks the intelligence to produce anything intellectual to the debate. Noob Logic can also be seen when one person has exhausted all of their mediocre efforts.

In each case, this person will immediately state that the other person is using "Fevens Logic" to insult. "Fevens Logic" is not condusive to being stubborn.

Person 1: My record is 80-5 at Cod of Duty 4.

Person 2: You're a scrub. You played against terrible teams. Your talent can only be measured by the opponents you play. You can only win by playing against terrible teams.

Person 1: Umm...well...hmm...That's Fevens Logic, for ya.

Person 2: Stop talking. You sir, are using Noob Logic.

by Overweight no-lifer November 18, 2009

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