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Queso hit/on the carpet

Slang for a situation suddenly escalating in a negative context. Synonymous to 'shit hitting the ceiling'.

Damian was on the verge of having a breakdown. The tipping point being an unsuspecting girlscout who just happened to roll over Damian's foot with a wagon full of ThinMints. Unbeknownst to her, that was the cherry on top a bad day, and that's when queso hit/on the carpet. Following suit was an onslaught of slurrs and obscenities that caused the poor girlscout's ears to melt off.

by DeafGirlScout November 26, 2020

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carpets match the drapes

A subtle way of asking someone if their pubes match the colour of their hair.

Guy 1:"I've always wondered if gingers have red pubes"

Guy 2:"Just go ask Edward if the carpets match the drapes"

by deathpoint9553 May 26, 2016

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College carpet bomb

When you're riding reverse cowgirl, leave a stink trail on there pubis.

I gave your father a proper college carpet bomb last night.

by DonkeyMuff April 3, 2021

Red carpet moment

When a woman has a moment of pure rage caused by her menstrual cycle.

Angie had a red carpet moment when I left the toilet seat up

by nyjyrk January 17, 2010

sample fart carpet

Carpet samples purchased from Home Depot, farted on, and then forced upon unwilling victims to smell

I just stopped by Home Depot and picked up some sample fart carpets, are you boys ready to sniff?

by Roy Rogers McFreelyy March 9, 2021

getting new carpet

when your pubic hair starts to grop back after you've shaved it.

Guy 1: "Dude i'm getting new carpet."

Guy 2: "Oh yeah? In what rooms?"

Guy 3: "No, i mean my pubes are growing back."

by ProfessorOak December 31, 2009

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drapes match the carpet

If a person wants to know if someone's pubic hair is the same color (or in some cases, same style) as the hair on their head, they might ask "Do the drapes match the carpet?" The drapes are hair; carpet is pubic hair. This is akin to asking "Is she a true blond?" Someone's obviously dyed hair might prompt this speculation: "I'll bet the drapes don't match the carpet."

Lisa has a shaved head. I wonder if the drapes match the carpet?

Didn't she used to be a brunette and now she's a blond? I'll bet the drapes don't match the carpet.

by Glenwood October 1, 2006

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