Filling a bathtub with steaming pasta and having intercourse with a gay Italian
The cleaning lady had a hard time drying out the bathtubs from last nights pasta boat.
A girl or woman that hangs around bars and restaurants where wealthy men dock their boats—hoping to score a “Captain!”
I hate this place on the 4th of July, every boat fly in town is here!
Women loitering around a dock, hoping to get on a boat. Likely scantily clad, possibly drunk, accessorized with wine bottles, have already taken off their stilettos, will say anything, and unlikely to buy their own drinks. Still - remember: No means No. #MeToo
Watch out for boat lice when you dock at the pier for happy hour.
To cause harm to a person, animal, or thing with disruptive movements of one's body while said one is sleeping.
Matt was spinning around, flailing, and bug-boating all night on the couch and broke my bong that was sitting on the coffee table! How did he not wake up?!!!
When a person places their face between another person’s butt cheeks and proceeds to lip trill while oscillating their face between the each cheek.
Paul made my toes curl with ecstasy when he began duck boating my ass.
The positioning and appearance of a cat sitting with it's arms folded underneath itself giving the impression that if placed on water would float.
"Bruno is going Boat mode!"
"I went upstairs and the cat was boat mode on my clothes!"
"Charlie is on the bed boating"
To not take advantage of something in time.
When Jerry turned down the promotion, he soon discovered that he really missed the boat.