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freak mode

when a person is undeniably feelin freaky... my mind is tellin me noooo but ma body! ma body is tellin me yeeees!

the freaks come out at night... super freak in purple underwear... freak in the sheets.. Once I'm in freak mode theres no turning back!

by TOOO LEGIT January 29, 2009

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An alternate term for Beast Mode created after witnessing Marshawn Lynch of the Seattle Seahawks (worst record entering the playoffs) destroying the entire New Orleans Saints defense (previous Superbowl champs) by breaking 7 tackles for a 67 yard touchdown run. Nothing has ran over New Orleans this hard since Hurricane Katrina.

I went into LYNCH Mode and ran through a crowd of people in New Orleans during Mardi Gras.

Im gonna go into LYNCH Mode and bust through a crowd of angry shoppers during black friday.

by ChrisKahn January 11, 2011

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Baby Mode

Baby Mode is when somebody acts grumpy and cute like an overtired toddler who refuses to go to bed. Usually gwumpy, angy and very adorable.

Guy 1: "Bro, you're totally Baby Mode right now."
Guy 2: "No I am not! *gwumpy noises*"
Guy 1: "Yep, Baby Mode."

by Dualed Jeweled Wiener December 24, 2019

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Juan Mode

"Juan Mode" is derived from the difficulty setting "Kid Mode" from the Nintendo Gamecube game "Viewtiful Joe." Kid Mode, and subsequently Juan Mode, imply a lackluster difficulty for gaming and life in general.

Juan Mode is used to describe activities such as blowing off people, places, things, events, for the selfish, instant gratification of ones self. Examples of this include calling out of work to quest, arranging schedule to quest and/or game, "working" from home while logged into World of Warcraft and questing all day, sleeping in late when working from home, not showering, not brushing teeth - just walking from said bed to downstairs, prepping laptop, and logging in.

Example 1:
Juan: Well, we got two inches of snow, (in 38 degree North Carolina Weather) so we get to work from home today.

Matt: Wow, turning Juan Mode on, eh? You logged in yet?

Example 2
Juan: Well, I don't even care what you guys say; now activating Juan Mode and LOGGING IN.

by Sam Lawrence February 2, 2007

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Wicko Mode

When you use the fortnite John Wick skin in the epic fortnite battle roayle, and go Sicko Mode.

"IMA GO JOHN WICKO MODE!" shouted Aaron the retard.

by StickyWicky May 22, 2019

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dark mode

A thing in urban dictionary

1:there’s dark mode in urban dictionary!
2: loL

by zenvio January 30, 2022

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Tiger mode

A phase that a child goes through in their lifetime; symptoms include: ripping Family heirlooms, looking side to side. Person may claim β€œit’s just a phase” but they will always carry it through their life time

Oh no James is in tiger mode.

by Reginaldthethird June 9, 2020

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