Source Code

Nah --- just resting

What you smilingly reply if a concerned passerby stops next to where you're exhaustedly sprawled out beside da road and asks if you need help.

Motorist, slowing down next to where a pedestrian is lying flat on da sidewalk: You sick or hurt, Buddy??
Pedestrian, giving a casual and appreciative flutter of his hand: Nah --- just resting --- thanks for stopping to check on me, anyway, though!

by QuacksO March 22, 2023


The antonym of jeen-yuhs.

Okay yeah I’ll let you know if that’s jeen-nah or if it’s smart my dude.

by Giusseppe123 February 26, 2022

Hell nah summer

Where you don’t have no hot girl summer and you being good and ain’t no bitch ass guys tryna hit on you cause big jon gon whoop they ass

Morgan finna have a hell nah summer

by Big jon Jon May 24, 2021

Nah, but i've heard of it

What your friend tells you when they got no idea what you're talking about, but they don't wanna be rude

Yooo dude you see that new apple jet pack?

Nah, but i've heard of it

by Angelina Joile's Forehead Vein August 28, 2023


Like Atrocious, Atrosh-nah is simply and abreviated and more forceful term for horrible.

Britney Spears boob job is atrosh-nah.

by Bevin February 11, 2004

bell nah

2018 slang for Hell Nah originating from Southeast Michigan
(Due to the B key being directly below the H key it indicates that this is one level lower then hell)

Bell nah John just puffed the entire joint he boutta be stoned asf fr

by Findloo Chunk December 7, 2023

yeh nah

A negative response to a statement. This answer first acknowledges that he/she understands what the other party is saying but ultimately he/she disagrees. Its a firm hard-no type of response delivered with a diplomatic spin.

It typically precedes some sort of follow up statement that might provide some perspective on why the answer is no, or it may simply be an insult.

"Yeh nah. You're an idiot."
"Yeh nah. Futurama was in no way better than the Simpsons."

by worldspawn January 16, 2023