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poon hammerer

the one who hammers(has rough sex with) the poon (vagina).

She calls me the Poon Hammerer cuz i makes her poonanny sore.

by El Guapo...savage January 11, 2007

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poon juggler

Synonym for a player.

That poon juggler is gonna have his hoes turn on him when they find out about his juggling act.

by Col. Pooner T. Corntooth February 22, 2005

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Lord Poon

Lord Poon Tang. Lord of the Punani Tribe. He tried to take over the Ringdom Of Gooch

"... And Lord Poon screamed - One day the Gooch and all its Ringdom will be mine"

by Snorf August 8, 2006

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Poon Qui

To suck a man off, while fingering him anally at the same time.

Dude, that chick gives a sick Poon Qui.

I was Poon Qui'ed hard last night.

by rofl043 October 4, 2009

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Poon Walk

Performing a moon-walk movement with the index and middle finger on a lucky girl's lady bits. Bonus points if done whilst listening to Michael Jackson.

I'm a real smooth criminal, I always give my girl a little poon walk before slipping in my quincy jones.

by fapple July 26, 2010

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aero-pooneh-ro-poon much like the aeroguard spray that keeps mosquitos away... aero-poon is somebody of arabic or indian background who drives poon away from that specified area

"man look at all these fugli bitches, wheres that aero-poon elias when you need him"

by R3AL-X October 11, 2006

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poon jockey

1.) One who aggressively rides / humps the poon.

2.) Term when used towards a female means she is a lesbian.

1.) John was a huge poon jockey at the gangbang.

2.) Word on the streets has it that Rita and Betty are poon jockeys.

by Col. Pooner T. Corntooth February 22, 2005

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