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five second rule

This is a very complex law of physics. It states that if food (goldfish, for example) is dropped on the floor, it can be "safely" eaten within five seconds. The five second rule is very fun to apply when in...say...architectural drawing class, usually when Mr. Johnson leaves the room.

When other people are attempting to throw goldfish in your mouth, but miss and hit you smack diddley doo in the face, the five second rule applies as soon as it makes solid contact with the floor.

by drew s April 19, 2004

85๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

kilometers per second

Km/s (kill myself)

I did so bad on my test I really wanna kilometers per second

by Simon Chiang November 11, 2017

26๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Second City of the UK

Birmingham - a wonderful metropolis at the heart of the UK with a population of more than one million people making it unrivalled by any other UK city.

A city which gave the world the Steam Engine and hence the Industrial Revolution, JRR Tolkein and Lord of the Rings, Cadburys Chocolate, the Mini, Magnetic Levitational Transport, Land Rover, Celluloid the world's first plastic...the list is endless!

I am a proud Brummie from Birminghan the Second City of the UK

by Trebor Girth February 4, 2008

102๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

5 Seconds of Summer

That band with the 4 hot dudes from Australia.

Kid: Mom will you read me a bedtime story?
Me: okay, it started out a weekend in May
Kid: 5 seconds of summer Everytime mom

by GallchobhairJ January 28, 2015

464๐Ÿ‘ 112๐Ÿ‘Ž

Second degree virgin

A boy or girl who lost his virginity but then ceases to receive any type of sexual activity after that. Not to be confused with a first degree virgin who has never lost their virginity.

Guy: Is Tim a virgin?
Guy2: No, hes a second degree virgin
Guy: O, so he lost his virginity years ago but hasn't got laid since?
Guy2: Yes
Guy: Sad :(

by ATD69 November 13, 2013

Second-Hand Drivebye

When you take a large hit of marijuana,walk past someone and exhale rapidly in their face while walking by,intending to make them high.

As I hit the blunt i decided to take a huge hit.After that I proceeded across the party and found an unsuspecting victim and when he wasn't looking i blew the smoke right in his face and left before he knew it was me.This is known as "The Second-Hand Drivebye.

by DoonerTM January 4, 2010

Nuts Per Second

Otherwise known as NPS; Nut Per Second is a measurement used to describe a persons excitement or satisfaction level towards something happening.

Yo I just saw Mrs baker from across the street in her panties. When she took them off I was at 37 Nuts Per Second.

by Dakore December 24, 2017