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The spicy meatball

When you rub hot peppers and pour hot sauce on your penis and then fuck a girl and make it burn the inside of her vagina. You usually should only perform this if you are Hispanic, because your skin is more used to hot foods and you are more tolerant of spicyness

That Mexican construction worker across the street told me he used the spicy meatball on that one white bitch and her pussy was stained red and burnt like hell! Lol that guy is crazy.

by Themeatballman November 9, 2012

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spicy smogcheck

The act in which the male cooks a meal for his partner consisting of her favorite foods.He then procedes to eat all of the prepared food in front of her, sharing none at all. After a period of digestion, he then forces himself to vomit the meal into her rectum, and procedes to use the vomit as a lubricant for anal sex.

"Last Thursday evening, after the wife spilled my beer on me, I went into the kitchen, and proceded to spicy smogcheck that ho."

by banana hammocks July 11, 2008

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spicy kermit

the act of cutting off a mans penis, putting the cut off penis in a blender, adding an appreciate amour of milk and spices, then making the victim drink it.

the cerial killer preformed a spicy kermit to the victim.

by Kyle Snook April 11, 2011

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Too Spicy

An item, person, or idea that is to superior to handle

See marky wearing his leather?
He is too spicy!

by xXxDrag Queen12xXx November 26, 2008

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Spicy White

Someone who is spicy white is basically anyone who is European. Italian, German, Greek, French, Swedish, Spanish, etc...

Is Kai spicy white?

Yeah he’s from Europe

by young.demo August 16, 2020

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spicy meatball

Sex with an italian girl involving stuffing her anus with red peppers during intercourse

"i gave miss Brassi a spicy meatball"

by Doug Fisher January 23, 2004

9πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

Spicy Dumpling

A fetish/back-alley abortion method developed in Asia which involves the active participation of both a pregnant woman and a willing helper. A Bacardi 151 (or similar grain alcohol) douche/enema combo is administered to the pregnant woman. The woman then straddles her helper's chest and squats down in typical Cleveland Steamer fashion. The helper readies an ignition source (ie: ligher, matches, flame-thrower.) and waits in anticipation. Simultaneously, she expells the liquor out of both orifices with as much force as possible. The helper then ignites the ejected fluid mid-stream, causing a blindingly intense flash of light and heat. If performed correctly, the resulting combustion should leave a smoldering pile of blackened fecal/fetal/corn 'gunk' on and around the chest and neck of the helper. The gunk is then collected and sold on the black market to high-end Chinese restaurants to be used as a "house" sauce.

Never order the spicy dumplings from a Chinese restaurant located in the immediate vicinity of a whore-house or abortion clinic.

by DaBrownGuy December 7, 2008

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