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text terrorist

A person that bombards you with text messages before you can even respond.

Chica's Phone: Hey girl, thinkin bout you

Chica's Phone: What you doing?

Chica's Phone: I been wantin you all day

Chica's Friend: "Damn your phone is blowin' up!"

Chica: "Yea this guy is being a text terrorist. I haven't even had a chance to respond yet."

by westfalia April 23, 2010

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text attack

when someone texts you in the middle of the night and it startles you, and you shake uncontrollably

"dude, last night, my girlfried texted me, and i totally had a text attack"

"bro, not good"

by t-leeeee January 25, 2009

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text me

to send a text message to a mobile fone

text me a msg bout if u can come tonite!

by rana May 15, 2004

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sexy texting

A much better word than sexting. same meaning though................

Katie Mottram won't stop 'sexy texting' me!!!!!

by Not Jack Hughes November 1, 2010

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Text Blindness

A person afflicted with text blindness is so absorbed by walking and texting that they have lost the ability to see oncoming danger.

Text blindness had the dumbass wandering out into trafic. She didn't even see the car coming until they honked!

by lord_blackdragon September 16, 2009

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texting friends

When two people have a very strong relationship through text messaging but do not see each other face-to-face often.

I really like Jason but him and I are just texting friends

by arophes September 15, 2013

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text talk

text talk or txt tlk is a langauge used in SMS messages to make them easier, and quicker, to write. The need for this should be restricted to text messages but no some how its wormed its way to IM chats and even written message below is an example of message someone sent me.

i (L)d it but evry1 startd sayin tht i cut maself n evrythng wen it woz ma falt!! so i aint nomor! but it woz wkd!!

by Forcemaster July 22, 2004

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