Blowing of ones nose through one nostril holding the other nostril closed with ones index finger also as an aid in aiming the snot and booger spray.
I shrimp boated a giant booger on the door handle.
A term used when a guy is busting a nut so good it is like omg I have no other words to explain this bomb feeling. You are on another level during this time so it would be the first words that leave your mouth, so pineapple boat.
Pineapple boat. Nuffsaid.
1. The act of discrediting a political opponent, regardless of military service record, by making truthful, searing claims about his/her character and past actions.
2. Battering by a shallow-draft, flat-bottomed boat with three bench seats.
Origins: The capitalized J distinguishes this from the jon boat (n.) and is a reference to both Jonathan Swift and Jon Stewart (born Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz), but not John Kerry, as he spells his John with an 'h'. See, also, swiftboat and jon boat.
Did you watch him just Jon-boat President Bone-spurs on the Late Night Show without even mentioning his small hands?
Sometimes there is a need to Jon-boat orange and yellow men before they get too comfortable in their jackboots.
1) The moment in which a person is so emotionally overwhelmed by an event, that they believe they are the central focus of that precise moment, disregarding their surroundings and sometimes gesticulating wildly, akin to Rose standing with Jack at the ship's bow in the 1997 film "Titanic".
2) Acting like a spastic.
"Man, that guy at the gig last night where the tables are? Singing and waving his f**king arms about? He must have thought he was at the front of the boat. Jesus.
A bean boat is a person that creates problems for themselves and others by simply attempting to do the things that they've been asked to do.
Like, try making a boat out of beans - it wont stick, the beans will separate and sink, and only the beans that float are the hollow beans that have been infected with insects.
"I asked him to paint the door but somehow he managed to break the door , sprain his wrist AND fuck the carpet all at once, fucking bean boat."
Women loitering around a dock, hoping to get on a boat. Likely scantily clad, possibly drunk, accessorized with wine bottles, have already taken off their stilettos, will say anything, and unlikely to buy their own drinks. Still - remember: No means No. #MeToo
Watch out for boat lice when you dock at the pier for happy hour.
To cause harm to a person, animal, or thing with disruptive movements of one's body while said one is sleeping.
Matt was spinning around, flailing, and bug-boating all night on the couch and broke my bong that was sitting on the coffee table! How did he not wake up?!!!