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Urban Dictionary

A site that was meant to be used for defining more informal words. What it actually turned into was something quite different. If you look up a name, you will see 16 million posts of either A) People who have a crush on the person with the name, or B) Someone who hates a person of that name. Also people share their politically incorrect views instead of properly defining a word.

Looks up 'Michael' on Urban Dictionary

'Michael: An amazing person with a great kiss and a big heart'

What the fuck is this?!

by ThatGuyWhoHatesEverything March 12, 2015

urban dictionary

the best website

urban dictionary is the best website

by U-2800 May 8, 2022

Urban dictionary

The website you are currently on.

I'm going to look up urban dictionary on urban dictionary and see how long it takes for the world to explode!

by NotAbbey March 30, 2016

Urban Dictionary

A place where people go because they too stupid to get the latest trends of words.

Bob went to Urban Dictionary because he didn't know what it meant to 69

by awesomeperson6969 April 3, 2011

Urban Dictionary

The Urban Dictionary is weird sometimes btw DO NOT look up Fuck a Duck it will scar you for life

Me: hey dude look at this site I found it's called the Urban Dictionary. It's weird sometimes but it's also funny. Btw DO NOT look up Fuck a Duck it will scar you for life
Friend: *looks up Fuck a Duck*

Omg I have a scar for life
Me: I told you not to look It up but you didnt listen

by Drago the Skylander April 16, 2019

Urban Dictionary

The best website on the planet to be "trendy." Also the website that middle school kids like to look up seemingly harmless words but come out with the opposite of that

The Urban Dictionary is the best!

by ClassicBanana February 12, 2019

Urban Dictionary

A place where you spend 2 hours reading definitions of "poop"

Urban Dictionary made me late for school

by urban dicitnary troller August 31, 2014