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eating beans

Mainly used for a meme.

''this nibba eating beans''

by DeutscherLifeS. June 26, 2018

eat it and yeet it

The action of eating and then making yourself throw up

Chris: “Hey, did you hear that Vera went to eating disorder rehab?”

Jamie: “oh yeah dude i heard, she would always choose to eat it and yeet it so i saw it coming”

by its_Ollie_bixth February 2, 2022

Eat it and yeet it

When you feel hungry, but doing so will cause you to vomit. Often during illness or hangovers.

Dude, those chicken strips look good, but I’ll just eat it and yeet it.

by Awright159 July 13, 2021


Someone who walks around with a perpetual sneer on their face, thinks they're better than everyone else and makes fun of people in the most vulnerable ways possible to give themselves a feeling of superiority. This expression works best when used as a submodifier for other derrogatory words like faggot, ass, boot-licker or bonehead.

Will: Evan, I am sick to death of your attitude. You even criticise and make fun of people much older than you. You think you're God's gift to the Earth. Even the way you walk makes me sick.
Evan: What do you want from me man?
Will: Just be polite! Is that so hard, you crap-eating faggot?

by I Love Ellie Elephant April 5, 2016

Eat That Grass

When you kick someone's ass so hard, they land in a field surrounded by cows. Their only option is to comply with cow customs and join in on the eating of the grass.

"I kicked Todd's ass so hard, he had to eat that grass all weekend"

Todd was beaten up and forced to partake in grass eating.

by Scrowl The Owl April 29, 2019

eating the spider

to give in to peer pressure, especially doing something unwise because of it

Person 1: do it
Person 2: I don’t want to
Person 3: come on
Person 2: alright fine

Person 2 is eating the spider

by willdeez14 August 13, 2022


It mean you will eat soup :)


by EAT SOUP OR DIE June 13, 2021