The funny and cool person in the group. He usually has the best grades and the most intelligent . But he lies about having a huge FUCKING cock. He should have a 5-6inch dick.
Holy shit its Casey but i bet he has a small dick.
casey fox is a smart but funny douche bag
A household that watches Fox News, and gets their political and world view from their commentators.
The number of people dispersing throughout society from a Fox House has changed the selective forces on political bodies.
a word used to describe your one wealthy black friend; a black friend who thinks he can play the piano
friend: yo i'm a gold digger
me: no you're just Lamey Fox
A dumb way to spell Arctic Fox with "/|"
Guy 1: Dude, that guy has the username /|rctic Fox.
Guy 2: Pretty dumb, but okay.
The most interesting human being known to man-kind. Jackson often goes by the names, “jdawg, jrawg, Nikita,” he is physically and psychologically indestructible. Jackson can consume any amount of alcohol and any other substance his heart desires. He can also get very racist and cranky
Jackson fox is a word that perfectly encompasses the will and thrill of life
A person who seems like they are unintelligent in how they act but are actually incredibly quick witted and smart. They are only acting unintelligent.
They can be doing this in a mischievous way or because they just don’t like the attention they get from being intelligent.
For example: someone who is very good at fixing cars may be a Lumdy fox because they don’t want to constantly fix friends cars.
Did you know John knows four languages. I thought that lumdy fox was a moron.
1) A Gunky-Fox is one who does something stupid all the time and annoys you all the time. Most times it is pronounced Gon-Kay fux. Many people believe the term is made to be said in a Scottish accent but experts disagree.
2)a really annoying disgusting thing or person who is in reality very weak and cowardly
Ye Gunky-Fox get of me grass!
Jebus that jerk is being a Gunky-Fox