when you get hurt by nature's grenade will most likely end in death.
A girl gives a handjob then puts the guys dick back in his pants right before he finishes.
1st guy: How was that hand job?
2nd guy: Dude she threw/tossed the grenade!
1st guy: Man that's a bummer.
Having an enemy attach a plasma grenade to your face during deathwatch play in any of the XBox Halo game series.
I was right in the middle of a kill streak that abruptly ended with a case of PGFS (Plasma Grenade Face Syndrome) courteous of hgnryGenghis and his plasma grenade.
Lazily comparing a person or group to the Nazis in an attempt to discredit them.
Used interchangeably with Hitler grenade.
The conversation was going well, but then my friend lobbed in the Nazi grenade.
A player/person who over uses grenades usually in the 2010 game Halo:Reach.
Aw god damnit! This fucking grenade pussy did'nt even shoot he just used grenades like the dirty little bastard he is! I hate Reach sometimes!
"Oh my god you guys are such love doves, you acting just like Grenade x Grace."