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Parent approved relationship

When a perent approves of your boyfriend or girlfriend and offers them rides home, drinks, food, shopping, Without either of you making plans Also may include parents sayin "your so sweet" "you can come over whenever you want"

"Dude jenny and I have a Parent Approved Relationship"

by Skylor February 3, 2009

day-to-day relationship

a relationship which occurs between a set number of days in the week, dedicating several days of the week where a person is considered to be in a relationship, and several days in which a person would be out of said relationship.

person a: let's have a day-to-day relationship
Vishal: okay, how does monday-wednesday work for you?

by samibb May 12, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Long Distance Relationship

Having a relationship, even though it is long-distance. You may not get to see eachother at all. It takes alot of time, energy and money, but it's sometimes worth it.

Me: Are you still with Ashley?
Him: Yeah, we're trying to make our long-distance relationship work.

by allymcmally25 September 25, 2004

740๐Ÿ‘ 208๐Ÿ‘Ž

First Relationship Syndrome

First Relationship Syndrome, also known as FRS, is the condition of being chronically attracted to the first person you enter a relationship with. Being inflicted with said syndrome makes the process of getting over this person when you break up all the more difficult. Common symptoms include constant distraction, sadness, and in more extreme cases, stalking.

Eddie can't get over Holly, so he's resorted to picking out of her garbage can. That pussy, it MUST be First Relationship Syndrome.

by Christina Monterrosa April 3, 2007

76๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Queer Platonic Relationship

A Queer Platonic Relationship or a QPR is a relationship that is neither inherently sexual, romantic or platonic, and was created by and for A-spec people (those with nonexisting to limited sexual/romantic attraction). Allosexuals/Alloromantics may also participate.

One in a QPR may do the following ;
- Kiss/ Not Kiss
-Hold hands/ Never hold hands
- Cuddle/ not cuddle
- Have kids/ Not have kids
- Live together/ Live seperatly
- marry/ not marry
- fuck/ not fuck

Baisically a list of checkboxes and custom made.

Quinn ; Why is she holding her hand? Is she gay?
Alice ; No they are just partners and signficant others.
Quinn ; Isn't that the same thing?
Alice ; No those terms can either refer to a romantic relationship or someone your in a Queer Platonic Relationship with.

by ElsaAro December 23, 2020

13๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

female-led relationship

A romantic heterosexual relationship, in which the female has control over the male to a greater or lesser extent.
Found (sexually) pleasing by many and thus becoming a more and more common subject in media and jokes and even in real life.
Independently, handing over all the power to the female is capable of reducing arguments and will then stabilize and intensify a relationship.

Since I finally gave in and agreed to simply obey my girlfriend, she is the loveliest thing I have ever seen and I am totally relaxed and happier than ever. Now I would not want anything but an absolutely female-led relationship.

At home my wife is calling the shots.

With the arms of a woman...

by mockwhy January 1, 2012

368๐Ÿ‘ 104๐Ÿ‘Ž

mutually beneficial relationship

A relationship where you both benefit. For example she gives you a blowjob and you pay her car payment. Usually a Sugar daddy/sugar baby arrangement. Since it's not a one time thing and you are building a "relationship," it's not prostitution.

I am looking for a handsome man to have a mutually beneficial relationship with.

by Salami sandwhich December 22, 2017

61๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž