An intelligent student, however requires a lot of help and guidance in the topics of English and Geography. In most instances, this student may use his knowledge of mathematics in order to overcome this, in which he/she is unsuccessful most of the time.
"Bruh, he pulled a Reagan Tran." Michael said.
Ellie Tran is a sweet, beautiful, cute, loving, funny and outrageous girl out there. If you ever meet this girl, you’re lucky. Whoever is her love, treat her right. She is so pretty, and you won’t be disappointed. She is amazing!!! I love her so much and you will too!!!
caleb: ellie Tranis cute
diego: she sure is, but Ellie Tran is mine.
Persons who identify themselves as watermelons on social media. It is common on Twitter whereby users to add watermelon emoji on their bio or names.
It is a trans thing.
ABCD identifies as a trans melon
I am a trans melon
People who prefer to allow light, but not detailed shapes to pass through
This trans-lucents thing is a real movement yeno
The moment a trans person’s becomes undetectably passable.
Since Gloria got their Adam’s apple procedure, she’s officially hit trans-parity
The point where trans-women or trans-men can out woman or out man biological men or women
They will only allow biological women in the beauty contest. I guess we’ve hit trans-parity
A biological woman who was born a woman, isn't fooling anyone when she says she's a man, and who will die a woman. A trans woman, AKA a woman.
Guy 1: that trans woman tried to use the men's bathroom but we kicked her out.
Guy 2: trans women shouldn't be in our bathrooms or in men's sports! Trans women aren't men and will always be women!