A tone walker is someone who can change skin color or race as example, Ariana Grande is white, black and asian. You’re also transracial if you are a tone walker.
Ariana Grande is a black queen. “But she’s white?” No she’s a tone walker.
Kenneth Scott Walker II is the most amazing guy you will ever meet. He is tall, extremely handsome, smart, caring, and spoils whoever his girl is at the time. Once you have been blessed with his presence you will never want him to leave. He is a once in a lifetime man. He will try to please you no matter how ridiculous the request is. He treats every girl he has like a princess. No matter what you throw at him, he will always be there for you when you need him. Once you have him, NEVER lose him.
Guys, I finally got myself a Kenneth Scott Walker II in my life and I couldn't be any happier!
Jesse Walker:
A super amazing guy. He is very hot and has been known to be called gorgeous. He has bright green eyes and hair to be envious of. Sometimes they will does a pervert by saying perverted things, however usually just to me people laugh. Sometimes sense of humor can be misconstrued as something very dark. All most all women find him incredibly handsome and are extremely attracted to him.
Down side to Jesse Walker is that he loves hard, and when hurt tends to push people away. However, it is said that make-up sex with him is almost heavenly because women have claimed to see and thank the Lord during his excellent felacio.
Jesse Walker is a charmer, flirt, and true Casanova
Jesse Walker makes my loins tingle with desire. Where can I get a Jesse Walker?
Alisha Walker is a SFY performer in England other wise known as Bulldog for her small appearance and firry attitude. She's an audience favourite and is known in Canada and Luxemburg.
Alisha Walker is joining us today.
A PE teacher that looks like a dead gorgeous Actor. Is nice and caring. Beautiful blue eyes that you'll get lost in.
Lets say hi to coach walker before PE
a very beautiful person but at the same time she is the fattest bitch you will ever meet. She will take all your money and never pay you back, especially for dimmies at the canteen
Ew she is such a tahlia walker