when a man is robbed of hes manhood by his balls being ripped off by a primate
cool: funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey funky monkey
Spanking your monkey is the act of masturbating and slapping your scrotum simultaneously. One may use this term as a synonym to jerking off or gooning.
After seeing Joe spanking his testes while jerking off, I found out he was spanking his monkey.
Later I confronted him saying "Were you spanking your monkey?"
Bass boosted songs done using computer technology or loud subwoofers used while playing a song.
The dand ole 21 Savage producers overuse monkey drums.
A derogatory slang for a stereotypically annoying asian person.
"Tim is such a fuckin math monkey, that kid thinks he's hot shit"
A stereotype referring to an annoying asian person.
"Yo Tim, stop riding my dick bro, you're being a fuckin' math monkey!"
The act of defecating into one's hand for the purpose of placing said third in a spot that is not directly reachable.
That toilet tank was way to tall to upper decker, so I had to monkey-dump it.