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It's in your name u r ban'd thx 4 nutn Yours Truly the one I'd freak cuz phu-q 2 .) 1i

Urban dick ton fary

by THEONEYEDFREAK February 27, 2018


So.. Ur a fan huh?


by bunyejacob@gmail.com May 23, 2021


Is a website where they can't be bothered to do there definition them self so they just let the people do it

Your shuch a urban

by The guy who when on this web October 20, 2019


the stupid website that wont let me submit something even though i meet all the requirements

me: tries my best to make an intresting submission
$&#**^% URBAN DICTIONARY: not gonna happen

by sdrawkcaB cult member August 31, 2021


A word to describe something as scary, can't be real, or as a myth or legend. Sometime Urban stories are not real and only for entertainment or based on a true story.

Someone : I heard this Urban legend, " How pussy wussy got its name". It really cool!
Me: really? Is it a myth?
Someone : No...its my true story
Me : .........

by Lilith123456 September 12, 2019



thats an urban place

by theworldforce45 January 7, 2019


What the Urban Dictionary logo technically says

Guy 1: have you noticed that the logo for Urban Dictionary has some random capital letters?
Guy 2: yea

by bit125 June 22, 2021