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in my bag

IN MY BAG is a phrase that originated in Philly that means a person is on task. You may hear a person in Philly say HE / SHE IS IN THEIR BAG.

I’m not even going to hold you … I was definitely in my bag last night; drawin

by Uptown Black February 3, 2024

in my bag

someone who is highly interested in a girl or simping and isn’t letting anyone get in the way of them

“bro cody’s frl in his bag”
no sorry i’m in my bag

by geen bean September 4, 2021

in my bag

music duff/duffle bag
turnt to music

“that new hillsong had me in my bag at church this morning.”

by khris4christ February 21, 2019

In my bag

THE MODERN WAY of saying youre in your feelings

friend: ay u good bro?
me: yea bro im just in my bag rn
friend: *sigh* grabs lotion

by zebops August 10, 2020

in my bag

In My Bag by 88GLAM was released on June 16th, 2022 under XO Records & LilDurk.com

In My Bag like lays

by LilDurk.com July 7, 2022

grab-bag baby

(n.) a baby that could have been fathered by an assortment of men and as such the childs birth father can not be distiguished because of the mothers frequency of coitus during a short time period.

25-50% of Maury guests or really fun spring break/week in vegas. Or, "I don't know who my baby daddy is, and I don't want no grab-bag baby".

by karma k December 20, 2012

big ol bag of dennis

Something or somebody who messes everything up and makes things difficult for somebody.

*jack is climbing on the table at a bar *

Dave: "hey quit being a big ol bag of dennis, your going to get us kicked out"

by discrook September 3, 2012