IN MY BAG is a phrase that originated in Philly that means a person is on task. You may hear a person in Philly say HE / SHE IS IN THEIR BAG.
I’m not even going to hold you … I was definitely in my bag last night; drawin’
someone who is highly interested in a girl or simping and isn’t letting anyone get in the way of them
“bro cody’s frl in his bag”
“no sorry i’m in my bag”
music duff/duffle bag
turnt to music
“that new hillsong had me in my bag at church this morning.”
THE MODERN WAY of saying youre in your feelings
friend: ay u good bro?
me: yea bro im just in my bag rn
friend: *sigh* grabs lotion
In My Bag by 88GLAM was released on June 16th, 2022 under XO Records &
(n.) a baby that could have been fathered by an assortment of men and as such the childs birth father can not be distiguished because of the mothers frequency of coitus during a short time period.
25-50% of Maury guests or really fun spring break/week in vegas. Or, "I don't know who my baby daddy is, and I don't want no grab-bag baby".
Something or somebody who messes everything up and makes things difficult for somebody.
*jack is climbing on the table at a bar *
Dave: "hey quit being a big ol bag of dennis, your going to get us kicked out"