Source Code

Urban Dictionary

A pile of shit

Don't trust Urban Dictionary whatever it takes

by BrexitIsAJoke April 16, 2019

urban dictionary

the only website you go to when you want to learn some new exciting words!

Guy 1: Hey bro you heard of urban dictionary?
Guy 2: of course

by I am smart December 2, 2020

Urban Dictionary

If you can't find it in a normal dictionary, You'll probably find it here.

"I couldn't find the definition of insert random word here in a normal dictionary. So I checked the urban dictionary and found it almost instantly."

by Cheems Burbger November 27, 2023

Urban Dictionary

Its a place for the most unintelligent post the stupidest definitions on the planet IDK how anyone on this site managed to pass 4th grade I am actually gonna kill myself if I have to spend any more time on this site

Never use Urban Dictionary

by truecrimejunkyLC December 24, 2023

Urban Dictionary

A website where the only point is to share your knowledge of sex and racism.

When I went on urban dictionary I lost a part of my braincells.

by makslaskabata2 February 27, 2021

urban dictionary

a dickhead

you are an urban dictionary

by justme11111111111 June 7, 2021

Urban Dictionary

A website that you use at school to search up your friends name and laugh at them for something that someone else wrote a long time ago.

Ha! It says Insert name here is really stupid on the Urban Dictionary!

by NoahMortylock March 23, 2022