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Imagine a white person but worse.

Nigga Bawlls

"Yo u see dat nigga over dere he got 6 testicles all rdy to fire"
"Yoooo shit fo'real?? I wanna shot at t h a t"
"Aw yea chief n' word on da street is he'll let you do anything to him for 20 mins fo only 10$"
"Shit nigga dat sum crazy shit"

by Jackson Bolton January 1, 2020


I word only black people use to call they homies or black peers white people cant say or else the in some Dip shit and better start digging they grave

Adam: hey nigga. Darrell what you say nigga. Black News reporter: a white nigga went missing a few days ago it is suspected that a black nigga named Darrell killed him and hide his body and the reason of this happening is that Adam said nigga...serves him right now all you uglyass white niggas know not to say our sacred word thanks for turning in to tonight’s news see you tomorrow

by Deztnutz September 9, 2019


A word black people say to there friends or Radom people they know its like saying bro

What’s up my nigga

by Mr.September May 18, 2022


Most known as N-word. It's used to call someone "black". Ppl will think your racist if your not black. Trust me.

Stan: We're mixing words to make new words. What do you mix John?
John: I mix nicer and bigger to make Nigga.

Stan: I'm black ;-;



You dont want to offend friends, but you still want to call em' nigger. The solution? NIGGA! Nigga is the save way to call your black friend nigger, but without getting hurt.

Example 1:

Mark zuckerberg: What ya doin nigga?
Obama: Wait... did you just say the n-word?
Mark Zuckerberg: Hell naw nigga chill!
Obama: Okay love, you chill ma nigga

by Dat_Boiii123 January 22, 2019


Word used by a friendly non black person to their fellow black person. Used as a friendly way to call them « friend ». It is fine with black friends since the intention is NOT racially motivated.

Wassup manega (my nigga)

by iamhumannotalien July 13, 2024


a dumb fuckwit that should slit their throat

kys nigga

by nigga killer 36 March 28, 2022