I want to do everything to you and your family
“Hello, I would like to have sex. Is there anything I can do for you or your family?”
Liberal political strategy as it relates to social issues. I'm going to break this down to demonstrate that liberals are not smart in any way shape or form and that I AM smart and better than everyone.
Hym "So, 'Why do you care?' politics comes in response to conservative protestations to non-traditional behavior of lifestyles. And it looks like this:"
Trans-gender *exists*
Conservative "Booooo... My incest cult says a magic man forgives all of the bad things I knowingly do and I am immortal... So the tranny can't do that."
Liberal "Why do you care?"
Hym "And it's a stupid question. But I'll explain it to you anyway. As Matt Walsh recently said, they think that the absence of problems (-P) = doing an incest cult. So, they care because when you have problems you are going to try to reach your grubby little hands into their solipsistic sphere of subjectivity for a solution to those problems and that might require them to do something other than an incest cult. They're locked in. Or WORSE... Someone who isn't doing an incest cult would be absent of problems. -P would = both doing a incest cult and not doing an incest cult. That would violate the law of non-contradiction. BUT! What they fail to understand... Is that giving the incest cult credit for things it didn't do... Is part of the incest cult. So, back to the trans example... When it comes to hiring, treatment, and rights... They want doing a transgenderism to = (P) problems. And they are actively working to make it so. And that is the case for ALL NON-INCEST CULT VARIABLES. So we'll say they want X (Not doing an incest cult) to = P and they want Y (Doing and incest cult) to = -P and they are doing that deliberately. So, in summary, they care because it invalidates the assertion that X = -P and if X /= -P then they might have to grapple withe the fact that X = P for everyone who isn't doing X. 'Why do you care?' Politics won't ever work because they will always shift into apologetics. Which is just meaningless bloviating that doesn't address the actual issue at hand."
Fancy was of saying "you do too".
- You look nice today!
- As do you.
"I do what I want" Is something said by someone who does what they want, that person is probably superior to the people around them.
Q: when are you going to clean your room
A: I do what I want
Ah, I see what you’re referring to now! Here’s a fitting Urban Dictionary-style definition:
To What I Do (phrase): A playful, nonchalant response to being accused of wrongdoing or questionable behavior.
“you was hella wrong for what you did”
“what i do?”
And I will murder your kids if you don't give me what I'm owed.
Hym "You choosing to do what you're doing isn't me being the problem. And if people keep murdering your kids, maybe YOU are all the problem. My kids haven't gotten murdered. So, I must be doing something right. I'm not the problem. Doing push-ups hasn't made you any better than you are. You and the fat slob YouTuber ARE THE SAME THING. You're not better than me. They just aren't doing to you what they are doing to me."
Yes that sounds good, Yes I know that or yes we do that.
Best used in conformation of someone's request or statement
Guy 1: You thugs roll hard to the street.
Guy 2: Yea be do
Guy 1: Did you see the new commercial for mini hot dogs
Guy:2 yea be do