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Bucket Monkey

Dumb Lineman flying around in a bucket truck.

Look at that Bucket Monkey up in the air.

by Homelight December 3, 2021

Apartment Monkey

a person who can only be trained to do simple tasks. Typically found living in apartments can sometimes been found in condos, townhouses and even neighborhoods. They're self-absorbed in themselves and think little of those around them, this is most apparent when driving or being a pedestrian. They are not gender or race specific.

That stupid Apartment Monkey just cut across 4 lanes of traffic with no warning.

That apartment monkey just walked right out in front of those cars.

by Anime Noob October 19, 2010

My monkey

the best person in the whole entire universe.. This person gives you butterflies with every word they say, you love them with your whole entire heart and would do anything for them...

I love my monkey..

by BITCHASSYE April 4, 2021

Discharge Monkey

A white person

Emma is a discharge monkey

by Theotheblackperson July 26, 2022

Flesh Monkey

A common alternative to the word human or person.

Hey, God? I don't know about this whole flesh monkey situation. It seems like kind of a trash species, not gonna lie. Have you seen how they reproduce? That shit is weird and gross, did you do that? Why? Why did you want that?

by AspiringTardigrade August 11, 2023

Northern Monkey Pox

An illness brought on by watching Northern football teams ( especially Liverpool ) dominate English football.

Particularly affected are those following Chelsea.

“Not sure I’ll be watching the City-Liverpool match tonight especially with those t***s Carra and Neville droning on…..my last bout of Northern Monkey Pox laid me low for weeks.

by MPL1969 May 23, 2022

Monkey flex

He tackles the striker in soccer ,stole the ball assisted while bending flexibly like rubber.

The kid just flexed like a monkey stole the ball at impossible angles .Yeah he's going crazy like ivar the boneless doing a monkey flex.

by Lmwaoelvis September 15, 2023