The B.S.B.B is a death sentence for your Manhood for most men. This test of brute strength and intestinal fortitude is not for the faint of heart. It is a concoction comprised of A green liquor called chartreuse, jagermwiester, bailey's Irish cream and apple cider vinegar. You need five shot glasses two filled with chartreuse and 3 with each of the other ingredients. This drink will knock your D in the dirt. This is a layered drink not layered in a glass but in your stomach! First drop the first shot of chartreuse then the bailey's then the vinegar, then the Jager and finally the last shot of chartruese! Do not mix the ingredients, must be taken as five independent shots.....
You'll need a barf bag if you try the bourbon street barf bag!
Instead of men screwing women over, this is the term used when a woman screws a man over.
"I caught him cheating on me, so I vadge bagged him over before he had the opportunity to cheat anymore!"
1.) a bag of juice a.k.a juice pouch
2.) alternate word for "douchebag"
"You banged my girlfriend last night, you juice bag!"
A big ol bag of Indian cigarettes from the reserve.
Ay you got your Bag o Dartos?
The trailer park man bag consists largely of plastic shopping bags, carrier bags, or plastic grocery bags, but can otherwise refer to any bag people would otherwise not think to use twice. The trailer park man bag can commonly re used as a mans means of moving or transporting objects such as a laptop, mouse and keyboard. cheese factory, Sendix, feet farm but not farm and fleet bags provide reasonable bags for this title and are more desired than those from Piggly wiggly, metro market and Aldis.
1. Are you seriously about to take that Trailer park man bag onto the plan as carry on luggage AGAIN?
2. here comes that grumpy old man with his newest Trailer park man bag he's always dragging to work
Uncommonly a fetish and aphrodisiac, this is the act of collecting and sucking on frozen bloody tampons to get turned on.
When I was younger my sister dated a dude who collected and froze her dirty tampons in the freezer to suck on in order to get turned on when he was in the mood. This is what is known as "bloody tea bags."