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cheese ball dan

Is a fraud who will ruin your life by emotionally scaring you by telling you his isn't Dan and he doesn't like cheese ball

Cheese ball Dan makes me want to die

by Cheese ball Dan fan account 1 September 23, 2021

new york cheese steak

A condom is filled with dick cheese and is gently inserted into the male ear canal. after step one is completed the ear wax covered dick cheese condom is forced into the female steak whole (vagina).

john "i think I've saved enough dick cheese for a good ol ' New York cheese steak"

Lisa "Can't wait"

by kalysasteaklover2 March 20, 2018

cheese factor

It's the most important factor in all trig equations.

You first change tangent to cos and multiply that by the sin of 2.45 Most importantly, you divide that by the cheese factor, and you get the answer for how worthless all this math really is.

by South Paw May 9, 2004

cheese factor

1) The progression of day time soaps.
2) Corny actions of seemingly normal human beings

While Bert was watching The Young and The Restless the cheese factor went through the roof.

by Groove May 9, 2004

Cheese Factor

The cheese factor is how believable a scenario is based on how many times it is used in a film or any other form of media.

Person 1: "Me and Alex kissed for the first time on the top of the bleachers at the homecoming football game."
Person 2: "As much as I'd like to believe you, the Cheese Factor of what you just said makes it sound like bullshit."

by Ally_Assmore October 6, 2019

Hot Cheese Garbage Bag


Wow you're looking very hot cheese garbage bag today, you must be named Willow!

by ILOVEBIGBOYS696969696969696969 October 31, 2019

cheese cake cup

When you jizz in a mason jar then shove it up your girls ass and she breaks it by clenching her ass

I’m gonna give her that cheese cake cup tonight

by Slayrodt July 31, 2018