When you get corona and your test comes back positive, but you say Dick On Salt to deny that you have corona.
-What's up?
-Ah, nothing but did you hear that Jake has Dick On salt (DOS)
-What a soy boy
a joke from the fandom “swifties”
on tumble, a fan shared a picture with a picture of stars that Taylor Swift drew, Taylor herself answered the fan and now this joke is circulating around the fandom
screamingiminlovewithyou: taylor what is this
Taylor Swift: Stars do you like dem
When you fill a 2 litre coke bottle with water, proceed into a handstand, and then insert the open bottle into your rectum in hopes of increasing bowel movements.
1: Man I haven't I shit in 2 weeks
2: have you tried doing a Graeme?
To do a hajime is to sin. The 'hajime' in question is hajime hinata from Super Danganronpa 2, and is a reference to a manga that is literally lost to time.
"Person 1: Go do a hajime degenerate"
Someone who only has friends that smokes weed (ain’t that suspicious)
Look at him he’s doing a cling
To drop out of footballing arrangements at late notice without a good explanation
Sorry lads I can't make football tonight I'm doing a pauly
meaning you want someone to put a gun in their mouth and kts
demarcus: do not
demarcus 2: :trol: