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The smallest version of a cock it goes vagina, penis, dick, cock, monster cock, BBC

Oh daddy let me suck your BBC and vagina, and penis, and, dick , and monster cock

by Bigdaddycock@urmom.cum January 24, 2022


A very humorous word first used in the 1800s or so. Really funny, say it at parties!

Person 1: Penis.
Person 2: wow that was really funny, it bettered and brightened my day.

by Pseudo-Whodonym March 23, 2021


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by Zzzara July 29, 2021


A long work connected to the genitals and belongs in ur mouth

I have a penis

by UrboiShrek69 March 29, 2021


A word that middle schoolers just discovered and now they think its the funniest shit ever.

It's not. At all.

Stop fucking using the word "penis" as a punchline. Its literally just a bodypart.


by temujin420 August 25, 2022


yelled by every girl when they want dick in there coo chi. Also used as slang. Every boy has a penis. Some want it in there ass

Damn thats a nice penis

by paigeroussel April 20, 2021


A wonderous 3rd leg found of 1/2 of the poopulation, if u see a homoman with his wand out, run directly towards him with asshole counter, make sure to suck all the pps of men

look at that PENIS so large and mighty

by babbeygurl March 22, 2022