Saints is the best all boys school ever unlike that crack head school Cathedral 🤮🤮 They all brag about how rich they are when In reality its more expensive to get into saints 😁🤭 💰. Go Saints not Cathedral !!! 😂😂
Bob - Saint Augustine high school is amazing
Stupid head - I wish I could go to saints but instead I go to Cathedr🤮al.
A boushy place that is full of vanity and neuroticism.
there's ALOT of white people at Manitou Springs High School(not that it is a bad thing, just an observation)
you can meet some cool people at Manitou Springs High School
Either city or country sometimes both but need to say the less they are all special (in the head) nobody's athletic and no one can hardly count to 10.
"Yo ever been to cosby high-school", "no". "Good fuck that place"
The school thats divided in to two parts, Faggots and Rednecks that think its funny to put ’’yee yee’’ stickers on their whack ass trucks. The teachers don’t know what they’re doing but the principals are cool. The school itself looks like a kindergardner that put two carboard boxes together, and the green windows look like a glass painting i made back in 1st grade please they’re so awful like please someone bring god down and knock them out. The ceilings are so short that even short kids (like me) feel claustrophobic. Lastly, the band sucks ass. I’m sorry but y’all make hidden valley’s band look good. Like learn to play a fuckin note bro.
*me going to my school’s football game*
Friend: “your band sucks ass“
Me: “yeah they really do let’s go to the cave spring’s side and vibe with their band“
(Glenvar High School- home of the alcoholics)
Whitmore high school worst school in barry 🙃
If you go to it your either a thot,bitch,emo or suicidel
"I've never been late to class"
Said no kid that goes to whitmore high school ever
Cheam High School is so shit swr down if u acc enjoy it or like it ur a neek, the only good thing bout it is the shit that goes down there and outside, some guy used to shot cro and outside the schoolgates, and there was a cro factory at the road nearby (Stoughton Av)
1 - aye this guy used to shot cro outside the schoolgates of Cheam High School
2 - yh ik he also shot at Limes
1 - peak that he got nicked
2 - yh word g
Taylor high school is a school in south Arkansas full of preppy ass fucking white kids who think they are better than everyone but end up graduating and going no where in life and never making it out of Taylor to produce more retarded ass preppy white kids. They have like 1 and a half blackout kids
Yeah we are from Taylor high school and we play baseball and are fucking stupid