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Oil Whore

A political leader or public official who is clearly in the pocket of Big Oil.

"Wow, Justin Trudeau is a real Oil Whore."
Or, "OMG, Notley is one bat shit crazy Oil Whore."

by Tommy Honest May 31, 2018

Hockey whore

A hockey whore is a girl that only dates hockey boys because she has an attraction to only them

Girl 1 : “ why do people call you a hockey whore ?

Girl 2: “ because I only date guys who play hockey”

Girl 1: “ why?”
Girl 2 : “ I just find hockey boys wayyyy hotter

by Suckmyduckuglyasshoe January 15, 2019

Book whore

A person sexually attracted to books
A person who seductively touches a book

Look at that book whore kissing her prisoner of azkaban book

by Books aare smeggsy November 16, 2020

Book Whore

Someone who is obsessed with books, would go as far as sucking dick and developing weird fetishes for books.

"Dude, Jenny is obsessed with books."
"I know, right? she's such a book whore!"

by The Autistic Flamingo May 4, 2019

Book Whore

A person who reads a book, buys another and reads it too then gets distracted by another book.

I am a book whore because I go to bed with a different book every night.

by _redrum19_ January 30, 2020


Your friends with benefits, it’s wireless. No strings attached.

-Hey dude, who was that?

- Oh thats Clara, my Bluetooth-whore.

by Ruubertoo May 22, 2024

republish whore

A republish whore (repub whore for short) is someone who republishes others work because they can't comeup with something on there own

(Person 1) dude GodStazBlood keeps republishing all my stuff

(Person 2) what a republish whore

by Captain_Levi_Swaggerman February 24, 2015