Something that you might type radomly when a conversation becomes silent or awkward, or you just dont know what to say. Also works with just a, or just e
Person 1: ....
Person 2: ....
Person 3: æ
a fucking letter, just a and e combined.
someone: æ
someone else: wow so cool
A letter that was used in english
still used in other languages like danish or icelandic
1: Queen Æthelflæd was Lady of the Mercians from 911 -928 AD.
Æ norwegian letter that the rest of the world think sound like "aeeh"
It is pronounced like the A in After in american english.
Vær ærlig.
It sounds like the A in After
æ (pronounced as "ah") Is a Latin character that is created by joining the letters "A" and "E" together. It is originally a ligature that represents the Latin gliding vowel, "ae" The word "æ" was used in many other Germanic languages, languages, which includes the following:" Danish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Faroese, Old Swedish, Latin and Old English.
"We used to have many æ words in our textbooks." -OhioMan.