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Short of tevierseh or something of that sort. It's Finnish for: "Regards."

Often used on 4chan and other boards as a way of mocking other users.

OP: /int/ is as good now as it was back in its early days.
Responder: t.Australian

by BORROROROSWOW May 22, 2016

1218πŸ‘ 196πŸ‘Ž

T for T

A trans person who is attracted to other trans people

person 1:
Carl is trans and he’s only into trans guys
person 2: so he’s T for T?

by malachai the mail guy August 2, 2023


"T-T" is an emoticon representing a crying face, the two t's are the eyes, the straight line going horizontally are closed eyes, the vertical lines are tears. The minus sign in the middle "-" is a straight line mouth. This emoticon is used when tired, defeated, or sad.

"Hey, you left a chest in the last level with the level 60 boss."

"Great. T-T"

by tall_fellow aka Poz January 25, 2022

t & a

A shorter way to say tits and ass.

I can never get enough of t&a!

by Ron Jeremy September 11, 2003

826πŸ‘ 140πŸ‘Ž

The T

The T (Tunnel) refers to Jacks cute little asshole

β€œOh gosh! I sure do love the T.”

by burgsquid July 15, 2021

24πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Sadness and depression.

I am so T^T.

by life is evil to me February 19, 2020

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A politically correct version of shit, used when you are scared to appear ill-mannered in writing.

Oh $#!t!! I forgot to do my homework!!

by imagoofygoober123 January 11, 2019