Source Code

01 saucecranker

ejaculation by effect of mental arousal

She didn't even touch my dick she just looked at me and I pulled an " 01 saucecranker"

by Billy Prickett October 8, 2019

pls let the dairy 01 been verify

pls let the dairy 01 been verify

pls let the dairy 01 been verify: bc it will make the ud comunity much more fun and sry for my bad English

by HarryTheRed November 22, 2022

APR-01 Standard

RFC APR-01 is the updated TCP communication standard used for 3WHS and is only available Annually on April 1st

Bro, the APR-01 standard has my tcpdump looking lit af

by twisty-networking March 30, 2018

12:01 PM

A time that occurs one minute after 12:00 PM. Represented as 12:01 on a twenty-four-hour clock.

I woke up at 12:01 PM.

by GravityManipulationUnit June 7, 2020

1👍 2👎

Video 01

Video 01

Video 01:*reading all the banner* huh what is this shit? what is project lobotomy? hm *ringtone* oh the boss man, uh hi, huh u say i need to join the project lobotomy to get the hit news for people? ARE U KIDDING ME?! ...oh ok *the call end* arg the greedy boss the say about my debt again i think i will join that to get more money now...

by HarryTheRed November 22, 2022