something made from flour yeast and some other stuff. Noun
man 1: i like bread
man 2: me too i love sourdough
man 1: yes
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Money, currency etc.
Derived from the British Cockney Rhyming slang phrase "Bread'n'honey" which was code for money.
ohh poppy cock! I haven't got any bread.
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The word "Bread" can also be referred to as a game.
"Bread" is when a group of guys take a piece of bread, and they all try to be the first to ejaculate on it. The last one to ejaculate has to eat the piece of bread.
Hey, Tom. Last night the guys and I played Bread, and Gary didn't ejaculate at all, so he had to eat it! It was hilarious!
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A word used to describe someone with dreads and a beard.
Dude, check out that guys breads.
Holy, that guy has mad bread.
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Not paying attention when you're doing something. Brain dead in verb form.
Oh shit my bad I was just breading (breadin') for a sec, I didn't realize what you were saying
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bread is the saying for a girls nice or remarkable ass. bread is also used to point out or single out a hot girl.
the term bread was origannly started in truro, nova scotia, Canada. bread is pronounced with a high pitch and the "ea" is extended, it can be mistaken for a loud shriek or siren and its often shouted at girls in public places and in the middle of the street.
its a semi vulgar expression and can be found rude and ghetto like.
Bread is a new slang for BOO-TAY, junk, tay, cake, ...
EY! man check out dat "Breeeeeaaad"
imma get me some of dat breead.
dis place is full of breeead.
dats some serias bread
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