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A Turk is a widely used word. It can Be used to describe somebody who is being annoying, an asshole, someone who resembles a terrorist, Or a backstabber.

also used are - Turkish, Turkish Bastard, Cheedish Turk.

Harrison won't stop talking to my Girlfriend, I hate that fucking Turk!

Dave came to my house and ate all my food, what a turk!

by Mikeybear February 13, 2008

126👍 299👎


A slang word refering to a male's genitalia. Turkette is used when referencing a female's privates.

So I was getting my turk sucked by this fat sloppy girl I met at the bar and I shot a load in her eye.

by Turkmeister42 July 5, 2007

81👍 190👎


Weed, Marijuana, Cannibus, Pot, Grass

Dude we smoked mad turk last night!
Turk me up man!

by Turk Head October 30, 2003

127👍 312👎


Someone who burned half of Europe several centuries ago. More recently, they've tried to genocide off the Armenians and Greeks in the last century.

A Turk just moved across the street. Time to find a new house.

by Not a turk October 7, 2012

65👍 154👎


A turk refers to people of turkish origin in australia. Turks do not classify themselves as being arabs...they think they belong to an elite group where they have the right to speak grammatically incorrect english,think their crooked noses are attractive and are proud of their names that sound like a rock in a blender. These turks are also know , after a fight in a night club that consisted of 15 turks and one 18 year old ozzie, to run down the street chanting ´turkiye´ whilst all are clapping out of time-to commemorate their triumphant victory. Turks are amazingly good at soccer. During their teenage years, turks usually find themselves isolated,without any friends,develop a strong stench and complete their facial charateristics-which result in a face even their own mothers are reluctant to love. Turks usually start puberty at 9 yeras old. A turks idea of ´sik´ facial hair is made up of weird zigs and zags. It is still unkown how they pick up chiks.

´Aye Mutlu, pass the cajik and the yorgutlu´

´turkiye turkiye turkiye´...we bashed him....´turkiye turkiye´

´ey not us is arabs we turks lan´

by rawTruth January 17, 2007

143👍 361👎


1) a person who lives in the country of turkey, regardless of ethnic background. must be muslom but not need follow.
2) slang a) a blood thirsty savage barbarian.
b) a bloody killer.

went to turkey and saw turks do not have tails as we supposed before.

turkey dinner with all the trimmings!

by Fayez Kata November 8, 2007

115👍 311👎


Turk is a “race(?)” that was propagated during the WWI period by the right-wing conservative Christian media to have massacred millions upon millions, heck, zillions of Christians in order to justify the colonization attempts of the European Allied forces... Can we say “weapons of mass destruction, anyone!?”
After WWI, Turks were found innocent of crimes against humanity in the courts of those very same Allied forces because the “obvious evidences” were proven to be nothing but forgeries and racist war time propaganda. According to the court’s findings (and this is just a mere scratch of the surface), Turkish officers would have needed to have access to some fancy time machines in order to carry out the orders of killings of Christians; obviously the masterminds who forged those documents did not understand how the Islamic calendar worked! They also obviously did not know how to speak Turkish very well, and they most obviously misspelled every Pasha’s name who supposedly issued or received those orders... Well, anyway volumes can be written about the “obvious evidence,” and about the creative geniuses who have successfully managed to stir-up hatred of Turks to further the European colonialist agenda. Then again, volumes can be said about todays clueless European politicians who sit on their cushy seats in the parliament, and vote “aye” on a version of history that they feel is appropriate and in cooperation with the racist construction of the Turks’ terrible “essence.”

“I was being employed by His Majesty’s Government to compile all available documents on the present treatment of the Armenians by the Turkish Government in a 'Blue Book,' which was duly published and distributed as war-propaganda!”

Arnold Joseph Toynbee, "The Western Question in Greece and Turkey: a Study in the Contact of Civilizations," Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1922, p. 50.

by runkli March 10, 2006

97👍 261👎