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Being and amazingly adorkable dork!!!!

Like you are unique

your style and presence in a room changes the whole
vibe and feel of that room
you are like nobody else from before!!!

And you will always be UNIQUE

OMG!!!! I kust took a picture and it so adorkable because its unique.

by SceneTeen July 22, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Adorkable: Something or someone so cute that it's dorky, or so dorky that it's cute.

Josh and Jo-Dee accidentally put on similar shirts, except hers was pink and tied in front, and his was blue and did not...it was adorkable.

by Princess_20 November 2, 2005

40๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


Adorkable, someone who is Dorky, yet adorable at the same time.

When someone says something something so stooopid, it's adorkable.

by J N PRO April 30, 2012

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term of endearment describing a dork.

"Yo Phebes, yer boy is over in the corner doing the moonwalk wearing a Socialist Worker paper hat. Got to hand it to you, Boy is adorkable."

by companera September 25, 2006

20๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


A mixture between adorable and dork! :) lol, its adorkable! Ain't it cute?

Boy: (shakes his hair out kinda in a cute way that a dog shakes their fur way)

Girl: Aww, thats so adorkable!

Kim: I got a new puupy today! His name is Fluffy!
Jill: Awwwwww, hes soooooo adorkable!!!!!


by Cookiezn'mlk February 23, 2009

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Someone who is cute, sweet, funny, and charming.

Girl 1: is that your boyfriend?
Girl 2: yeah isn't he so adorkable?!?

by Flyerchik October 31, 2011

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A term of endearment mixing the words "dork" and "adorable."
Generally used to imply that the one to whom it is adressed is being a dork, but that this only serves to make them more adorable.

Ohmygoshomygoshomygosh! I just got a new book and it's amazing cause the main character is a total grammar geek like me! I love it! I think it just made my day!

Hahaha you crazy thing. You know what you are? You're adorkable.

by ProfessorK759 February 5, 2011

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