a term coined from TikTok describing people, but mostly parents, who have extremely poor relationships with food & exercise and take it out on their children. this often causes said children to have body issues and eating disorders, following in their parent's footsteps, when they grow up.
"my mom just started this 800 calorie diet and told me that nothing tastes better than skinny feels"
"she's such a half an almond mom..."
A character from the well known South Korean game franchise known as “Cookie run”
He is well known for his supposed ““sex appeal”” and has a large fan base of horny simps mostly made up of 13 year old girls on Tumblr and Tik Tok
Person A: “Oh my god! Just look at Almond cookie he looks so hot! *fangirl noises*”
Person B: “What isn’t he like 4 times older than you?”
When a guy farts really bad while sitting on a vinyl cafe booth and the gas escapes to the front of his crotch.
Holy crap man, I just toasted almonds!
A town in central Wisconsin so small the progress of the 20th century has still not arrived. With no contact to the outside world they are limited to there reproduction. Most family's are on their 3rd generation of inbreeding.
Fuck living in almond wisconsin
When a man defecates then ejaculates on his feces. He then let's it dry and become crusty, then feeds it to his partner.
This can be carried out Man to Man or Man to Woman.
She was into the Skat shit, so I gave her a Salty Almond.
almond milk is better for you then milk, accept it, it takes a little while to get used to, BUT AT LEAST IT DOESNT GIVE YOU DIABETES. to all of my friends...
milk, is stupid, look it up online, i dont feel like explaining everything to you
almond milk is better for you then milk.
65👍 55👎
Marc Almond is a beautiful boy from Leeds, England. You may know him from Soft Cell, or Marc Almond and The Willing Sinners, or Marc And The Mambas. He is super duper talented and very freaking adorable. He is in his early sixties now and is still doing fine.
Marc Almond from 84’ is my daddy
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