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Anne frank

A sex position. To do the Anne frank, you must go up into a secret annex or closet of some sort, then have sweaty closet sex while police search for you.

"Maria and I are gonna go shit on a cop car later so we can do the Anne frank"

by Chantheman224 August 6, 2016

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Anne Franking

The act of hiding from anyone: friends, parents, authorities, for an extended period of time.

Shh guys, we're Anne Franking on these bitches.

by Phil Page June 26, 2009

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Ann Frank

when your playing call of duty 4 on the map overgrown and you hide in the attic of the building where there is a hole in the wall and a turret.

Did u see those guys. They looked like they were about to go Ann Frank, we better go kill them.

by Jerra Collins January 11, 2008

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Anne Franking It

Verb meaning 'Hiding to avoid required participation or attendance'.

We have a mandatory assembly after seventh period, but I'm thinking of just Anne Franking it instead.


In Gym Class, we have to play flag football, but I'm just going to Anne Frank it under the bleachers until the bell.

by Jayson Now March 24, 2013

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Anne franking

Verb: to hang out with a girl behind closed doors, but won't take her in public or around your homies.

Why don't you ever take me out to do anything nice? I feel like you're Anne Franking me.

by sean stewart October 28, 2014

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Anne Franking

During a first person shooter one hides in an attic to avoid death or capture.

XXDeathdust40XX was anne Franking last night. What a nub.

by Jonny Nonuts September 17, 2009

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Anne Franked

When your current girlfriend if hiding in the attic of her Ex Boyfriends house.

Anyone: what do you mean she was in Zacks attic.

Me: Ya man Brittany was in Zacks attic when I was there drinking. She Anne Franked me bro.

by Nikolai Dangerfield February 4, 2019

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