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Apex Legends

A cool new game int the year of 2019. The people in my class dont give a shit about it

Apex legends is good

by iamaconguy23 March 6, 2019

Apex Legends

A battle royal person shooter developed by Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts it was made released on February 14th 2019 its like Fortnite you go in a squad and you pick up loot and you fight other players and there's a Ring its a border that shrinks down until your the last squad alive at the writing this there are 21 legends season 13 legends are charatars that have there own special abilities a passive Ability a tactical ability and a ultimate ability

want to play Apex Legends

by Shadowplayz343 August 1, 2022

apex legends

another shooter game with dummy thicc lesbian whores

Man I love apex legends

by Telazac June 29, 2022

Apex Legends Loser

Someone who constantly grinds the online game Apex Legends. They pay hundreds of dollars to get heirlooms and grind ranked every season. They also constantly remind you how bad you are compared to them. Even though they’ve never spoken to a female. People like this are most commonly named Shayne.

Dude why did you play for 15 hours today? Your such an Apex Legends Loser.

by Cheez-Its2007 January 8, 2022